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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Instilling a Love (Or Appreciation) of Literature in the Classroom

One of my ultimate goals for teaching is instilling a love of literature to my students. It doesn't have to be the same type of literature I enjoy, or even literature at all, in fact. I just want my students to learn to love to read. I think everyone can find something they enjoy rather it be fiction, non-fiction, historical works, or even comics (which I absolutely love). I want to give my students the opportunity to read things they enjoy rather than just running the gamete of books I am required to have them read. If they are reading anything (within reason, of course) for pleasure I see that as a success.
I will have to accept that some students will probably never develop a love to read and will never do it extensively outside of the classroom. For these students my goal would be to at least help them learn to appreciate it. I am someone who has never really gotten into art. I can find pieces I like but I don't think I will ever understand it the way someone who really loves it does. But I do have an appreciation for the work that goes into it and the end result. I would like my students to develop the same thing with books. Even if you don't always like an entire work, I think there are things you can appreciate from almost anything you read. If this accomplished, then I don't consider reading something a waste of time.

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